Good Friday Service

On the cross, Jesus suffered unimaginable pain and agony. He carried the weight of the brokenness of the world and faced the cruelty of the Roman Empire. And yet, he took the time to speak. Seven times he spoke – and each time it was powerful. The last words of Jesus give us a glimpse of why we call this day good. On Good Friday, death was defeated and Jesus was victorious in a way no one expected. We will look at Jesus together during this somber service.
Easter Service

On Easter Sunday, we celebrate that Jesus is alive! He death was not the end – it was only the beginning. We’ll look to the empty grave and the Risen King Jesus and learn how that brings victory and wholeness. The resurrection is not just an old story and a reason to have a big meal. Jesus is alive and that means everything!!
“Why are you looking among the dead for someone who is alive? He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead!"