A Night of Community and Prayer Part 2

April 2 6:30 - 8:00 pm  |  CentrePoint Church

5804 47 Avenue, Camrose, AB, Canada

Our season of prayer and fasting will come to a close with another night of community and prayer, as well as a church wide fast from April 2-4.  Join us Wednesday, April 2 at 6:30pm as we spend time reflecting on the Lent season, and praying with and for one another.

We know that attending a prayer night can sometimes feel scary, as many people are not comfortable praying out loud or are worried about what to say. This night of prayer and community will be a great opportunity to connect with others, there will be prayer prompts to help give language to prayers, and there will be no pressure to pray if you are not comfortable. Plan to join us for this awesome night.